My wonderful local quilter, Richla, recently added a studio on to her home and began to offer classes where you could come and use her longarm to quilt your own. Oh, the projects I have.... I decided to start with this cute quilt I made as a shop sample for Keepsake Cottage Fabrics.
The pattern is Fishy Friends by Ribbon Candy Quilt Company. The fabric is a Northcott line called Shark Attack. The quilt pattern is Van Gogh, which makes nice, wavy looking swirls. It was a little nerve wracking, but a lot of fun to quilt it myself. I have another date scheduled in July to quilt a second one.
Here is close-up of the quilting and the binding. Have you ever made a Magic Binding? So cool. I will certainly be using this from now on with small quilts, especially kids' quilts. Here's a link to the technique - all by machine and you get a little flange of contrast color under the binding. The first three times, I followed the binding cutting instructions as written. Next time I'm going to make my 'flange' fabric a skosh wider so a little more of it shows.
The bookcase holds all my favorite patterns and bundles of fabric, as well as cute pincushions and gifts from friends.
I got a smaller sewing table and a pistachio green rolling cabinet for notions. Now my machine is under the window with lots of natural light. Maybe now I won't need 4 lights when I sew. At least not until winter!
I decluttered the junk - 3 donation bags and 2 bags of trash.
The center of the room is now wide open! I can pull my cutting table out or move my Big Board ironing board into the center of the room when I need to press those long seams!.
Here's to happy, clutter-free sewing!