April 28, 2005

Knitting Groove

I seem to have lost my groove.  I started the Kristina bag and was really loving the color work on it.  Then I noticed I'd made a huge error in the pattern, one and a half repeats back.  RIPPPPPPPPP!   Then I got the yarns untangled and behaving again, only to make another mistake, only one row back.  I finally seem to have gotten back on track - I hope so anyway!

I have concerns that the bottom of the bag may not be sturdy enough.  I am wishing I had used a double strand to knit it, but on the other hand, I didn't check yarn yardage to begin with (I bought Pastaza and not Cascade 220) and fear I already won't have enough.  Time will tell I suppose!  I guess I could always make the strap in a different dye lot if necessary.

I am still a week behind in my Knitlist digests, but I read there is a new yarn store in my NEIGHBORHOOD!  I must stop by on Saturday to check it out.  Yes, I'm on a yarn diet, but Sunday is my birthday.  If I splurge and buy something... well, everyone needs presents on their BIRTHDAY right???

-Signed, the Queen of Stash Justification........

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are so totally justified in shopping this weekend for your birthday. That's an automatic exemption. ;-)
