June 30, 2005


I didn't study my pattern very carefully and noticed after I'd begun knitting that the London Top I'm working on is much shorter than the other tops in the book.  Since I'm far past the age where it's acceptable to show one's navel, I decided I'd just knit as far as I could with the lime green yarn I had, then go ahead and order 2 more skeins to do the stripes up top (and since the greens wouldn't be touching, who would be the wiser?).

I got the new yarn from a different online shop than the first batch and IT'S THE SAME DYE LOT!  What are the chances that could happen even if I wanted it to???

Will try and post a picture tomorrow.  :) 

June 27, 2005

All that remains...

Calmer_1 of Elspeth is these 2 balls of Calmer.  I made the decision that I was never going to want to rechart the front and sleeves and decided to do something I'd had in the back of my mind for quite some time... RIP!!!!

The Calmer will be ressurected as a Nothing But a T-Shirt, using the coral and some scraps of other assorted colors I have left over from a very expensive baby blanket, to make the striped version of the NBaT.

And while I was at it, I also finally made the decision this morning to frog my Clapotis.  Although I admire the many versions of it I have seen, and I loved my yarn, I just HATED this pattern and it was almost torturous to work on it.  Plus, I'm not a shawl person.  I think the yarn is destined for ebay.  :(

But, I feel liberated!  On to more fun projects!

June 23, 2005

Split decision

I am enjoying working with the Dale Svale.  It is a slick yarn and knits up very nicely, but it is so splitty!  This morning while knitting I found a stitch about 10 rows back that I had split and some strands were hanging out the front.  I held my breath, took a crochet hook and dropped it down to the problem, then fixed it lickety-split (so to speak!).  After a few more stitches had resumed, I discovered another split stitch about 8 rows down, fixed that one too.  I've got you Splitty Stitches - ha!!

June 20, 2005

Knitting again!

I'm knitting my London Top out of Dale Svale (I'm making the lime/white/blue version).  The Svale is a really pretty yarn knit up, but it requires careful knitting because it is so splitty.  I love knitting in the round!

I seamed the underarms of my Minisweater/Boobholder.  Now I'm working on weaving in the ends, which is daunting.  Each point of the edging has 2 ends to weave in, and the Alchemy Bamboo yarn is very slippery.  I will try and force myself to work on this so I can wear it soon!

June 15, 2005

Making Some Progress

I actually finished the lower edging on my Minisweater/Boobholder.  Now to seam the sweater, weave in a million ends, and find a button.  I think it's going to go great with my purple linen dress.  I love the addition of the beautiful Alchemy Bamboo yarn on the plain black Rowan All-Seasons Cotton.

Now I'm kind of at a project crossroads, though.  I have only the Wildfell Cardigan on the needles.  It's not a very portable project due to its size and shedding.  But I also really want to finish Elspeth, but that will require some sitting down with Microsoft Excel and trying to chart the blasted thing.  Or, I could just pitch it and start something new?  Hmmm....

June 10, 2005

Really GIF

As in - Really Glad It's Friday!  I could use a quiet weekend at home, not that I'll get it, but one can dream.  Saturday is my niece's second college graduation, she got her masters degree and is going now for her Ph.D.

Then Sunday my mom will come and spend the day with us.  We'll either hang out at home and fondle my yarn and fabric, or pack up all the kids for a trip to the new neighborhood yarn store.  I can only guess which one she'll pick.   ;-)

I picked up and started knitting on my Wildfell cardigan last night.  I had forgotten how much I love the Noro Kochoran yarn.  And it knits up so fast!  Maybe I'll have some signficant progress on the fronts to show you Monday.

Have a great weekend!

June 8, 2005

Lost My Focus, AGAIN!

I needed a new project to take on a long car trip to attend my grandmother's funeral this weekend.  The 3 projects I already have going were not going to work for a car trip - the Korchoran sweater, too hot!  The wool My Little Companion Bag, ditto; the edging on my Minisweater/Boobholder, too slippery.  So I took my bag of Baby Cashmerino and started the Entrelac Shawl from Debbie Bliss' Baby Cashmerino book.

I got the first row of triangles done on the trip over, and thought - wow, this entrelac is a piece of cake!  Then it came to doing the next step and I totally screwed it up.  Had no concept of how to fix it.  Ugh.  So riiiipppppp....  On the trip home, the shawl turned into the fair isle cardigan from the same book, but how boring is it to knit stockinette on size 3 needles with teeny tiny yarn?  I kept falling asleep!

Well, hopefully something will spur me on to be excited about knitting again.  The new yarn I bought on my trip for a new cotton bag?  Perhaps - stay tuned!