March 28, 2010

Celebrate with me!

5th-birthday-badge-large The Stashmaster Blog turns 5 years old today!   Anybody tenacious enough to go back to my first blog entries will see my main craft focus at that time was knitting, with quilting taking a back seat, but not for long!  I actually started quilting in 1993, but didn't have a lot of time to sew after my kids were born and also did not keep very detailed records until 2005 (one of my main reasons for starting a blog - to keep a photographic journal of my projects).  Since 2005, I have finished 50 quilting projects (and I know there are a few more small ones not included on my list - mostly tablerunners and swap gifts).

At any rate, what would a decent celebration be without PRESENTS?!   Only of course the gifts are for YOU - my much-appreciated blog readers!   To thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and say hello, I am offering the following:

Prizes One name drawn will receive 2 layer cakes of the beautiful French General Rouenneries collection.   One name drawn will receive 1 layer cake of French General's newest collection coming out in June - Lumiere de Noel.  And finally, one name drawn will receive 2 charm packs of the beautiful Eva collection by Basic Grey.  Just leave a comment on my blog before 7 a.m. Pacific Time on another notable date in the Stashmaster household - Monday, April 5 - and I will use the Random Number Generator to pick the names of 3 winners.

Thanks to all blog readers, blog lurkers and my fellow bloggers.  I enjoy the quilt blogging community more than I can tell you, and I have met many wonderful people that I consider true friends.

March 8, 2010

Where ya been?

IMG_0001_NEW Yes, I'm a sorry excuse for a blogger - it's been 2 weeks since my last post!   I finished the Civil War Homefront quilt that appeared in my last, long-ago blog post.   But I neglected to take a photo of it before dropping it off at the quilt shop.   I most definitely get an "F" for blogging this semester.

I got 2 fabulous quilts back from the quilter last week, but our beautiful Seattle weather has turned to rain, so I will have to wait for a nicer day to get photos.

How about I share something that made me laugh?   I was pressing some 4-patches and this one ended up on my ironing board.  Yes, even seasoned quilters working on a basic pattern can have a "duh, what was I thinking?" moment.  To be honest, I have them all the time!!

I hope to have more interesting and fun things to share with you soon.   Stay tuned for my blogiversary coming up near the end of March.  There will be a giveaway!