March 6, 2007

Boring, boring, boring!

I'm going to lose blog readers, but really, I have nothing to blog about.  My mom visited last week and I didn't get any sewing done.  We had a nice visit, though, and she brought my stepdad's shirts for the memory quilts I plan to make for her and my stepsister Dena.  I started cutting out the background fabric, but haven't been able to muster the courage to start taking apart the shirts.  I also want to save and do something to embellish the quilts with the buttons from the shirts.  Hopefully the mood will strike me this weekend and I can get down to the business of starting this quilt.  My mom loves the pattern and the background fabric I chose and I think it will be a good healing project for all of us.

Girl Scout cookie sales are in full swing and my first-year Brownie is leading her troop in sales!  Mom has eaten way too many cookies, but yes - I have counted the Weight Watchers points for them (well, mostly....)   ;-)


  1. I'm a Weight Watcher too! That program really works, as long as you "work it". I like the Core Program, where you cut back on carbs in general, except for the high fiber choices, and you do not have to calculate all the points. Good for your daughter to be such a cracker jack sales person! Although, after seeing how adorable she is in her picture, I can see people being willing to buy anything from her!

  2. I'd be interested in knowing what pattern you are using. I have my FILs shirts and have been wanting to make something from them for my DH and my BIL, but inspiration has not yet struck . . . .

  3. You'll never lose me as a reader. ;-)
    WTG on the cookie sales!
