April 25, 2007

Still cutting

Creams I finished cutting the cream fabrics for Pinny 'n Pa, now to tackle the stack of browns - I have over 60 fabrics to cut!

LilyvalleyLook at this cute plant I bought at Trader Joe's yesterday. I saw these last time I was there but I was on my way out and didn't have time to go back through the line. I love Lily of the Valley - it's the flower of my birth month (and my daughter's name is Lily). I had no idea that they smelled so deliciously sweet, either - an added bonus! What a nice little pick-me-up for my sewing room.


  1. Love the browns you picked. =) The flower is gorgeous!

  2. I love to buy flowers at Trader Joe's. Those are fabulous! Been catching up and all your quilts are turning out wonderfully! Great job!

  3. Now you get to start sewing!! That was a marathon cutting effort!
    Trader Joes is a great source for orchids too.

  4. Nothing to do with quilting, but Lily of the Valley is very deadly and can be used as a poison. It was a popular end to a few of Nancy Drew's mysteries.
